Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Still sore

Well its been well over a week since the 24hr race and I feel good.
Except for my knee it is still in a world of its own pain.
I havent been able to do any training at all.
I have a 100km sprint race in 2 weeks which i wont be totally ready for.
Thank goodness for neurofen.
I went to a nutrition seminar hosted by the guys from hammer nutrition.
The speaker is a guy named Steve Born, he has won the Race Across America or RAAM for short.
I think I was the only endurance (athlete) guy in attendance. As the looks from some of the roadies when he mentioned he did 6 hour training rides were a bit strange.
A lot of it went over my head and I'm not sure if I learned that much but I'm sure I got something out of it somewhere along the line.

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